Bank Reconciliations   for distributors

Bank Reconciliations

The OMS Enterprise business software Bank Reconciliation module simplifies the task of reconciling company bank accounts by providing an easy to use, yet sophisticated set of tools to review and adjust all transactions affecting bank accounts.

OMS Bank Reconciliation module allows for easy retrieving of checking account related transactions from Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger modules as well as After-The-Fact, across multiple companies.

Bank Reconciliation also provides an integrated Bank Register for Cash Management purposes.

Tour All The OMS Accounting Modules

Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
General Ledger

OMS Bank Reconciliation Module

OMS Bank Reconciliation Software

Bank Reconciliation Tools

■Supports unlimited bank accounts ■Clear transactions individually, by range, by deposits and credits and by checks and charges ■Clear transactions by all company ID's or by a single company ID ■Supports multiple companies or divisions posting to a single General Ledger ■Bank ID's and other bank information are shared between Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable ■Retrieve transactions from a single bank or all banks at once

■Integrated Bank Register for Cash Management ■Enter an unlimited number of bank records to accommodate multiple bank accounts ■Identify General Ledger Account for each bank ■Allows user to select data from any combination of modules and companies ■Users can select or mark an individual, all or range of transactions to clear ■Maintains links between each company and module level bank account for total configuration flexibility
